Jenny Reese Clark

Christian Author, Speaker, and Volunteer

The Spencer Project

To change one's field of influence is to change the course of one's life.


The Spencer Project is an opportunity for all United States Military and VA Hospital chaplains to receive a free eBook of Field of Influence in order to help aid them in ministering to service men, women, and veterans who struggle with overcoming substance abuse related to post traumatic pain and stress. 

As we all know, drug addiction and PTS can destroy not only the lives of those personally suffering but harm the family members who remain faithful to love these individuals. The goal in creating this project is ultimately to offer confidence and direction to those who can no longer see resolution in their situation.

Field of Influence is a Christian fiction novel who’s main character is Marine who gets wounded in combat only to return home and fight another battle in drug addiction as a result of his failure to properly cope with past war-related injuries and pressure.

The subject matter revealed in Field of Influence is intense and written straight from the core of these conditions. This graphic look inside the depths of the main character’s soul is meant to not only guide those in the midst of trials, but educate those who are affected by them. With genuine effort, one can read and simply follow the lead of the main character into their own first steps of authentic healing.

As the author of Field of Influence, my personal desire is to encourage the weary fighter, enlighten the confused bystander, and help birth new beginnings founded on faith. My hope is that all who read this story understand the sovereign nature of our Almighty God and that nothing is beyond His ability to restore.